What Causes Tooth Decay?

A cavity is another name for tooth decay. Which is caused when bacteria breaks down tooth enamel. Tooth decay can cause pain or can take place secretly. How can we prevent this from happening? First it is importance to understands what happens.

The main factories include:


There are various types of bacteria – some destructive and some protective. It’s aim is to balance and neutralise the mouth environment.


Plaque is a mixture of saliva, bacteria and left over foods. The plaque tends to stick to enamel. This leaves the tooth with small white patches or holes which can lead to the dentine being damaged too.

Sugar Intake:

A high sugar intake may lead to the progression of tooth decay as sugar will sit on the tooth’s surface and if not cleaned away will begin to root the tooth, making its way to the nerve.

Food breaks down into small into small sugars which can be left on the teeth. Acid absorb minerals which cause deterioration. If acid reaches the dentine (which is much softer than enamel) it can lead to nerve pain.


Sometimes there can be no symptoms for a cavity. It can fester for a long period of time before giving any signs! However, when decay reaches closer to the heart of the tooth as time goes on, you do tend to get more symptoms. These can include:

  • Sensitivity to hot and/or cold.
  • Twinges or short bursts of pain.
  • Ache – this can be dull or a throb.

How can I prevent this?

Tooth cavities can be prevented by having a diligent brushing regime and therefore bacteria and plaque can not sit on the teeth for a long period of time. Bacteria on the teeth becomes toxic after 24 hours so it is important that we are brushing well for 4 minuets each day – 2 minutes is a morning and 2 minutes on an evening.

In addition, it is important and dentist tend to stress is introducing flossing into a daily routine to ensure plaque is removed from in between the teeth as well and the areas which can be reached with a tooth brush.

Having a low sugar diet will reduce the risks of tooth decay as there is less sugar to be left harbouring on the tooth surface. This means acids will not be able to break down the tooth enamel leaving it strong and protected.

Prevention is the main factor to minimise risks of tooth decay. This is why routine check ups every 6 months are vital to help catch sign of tooth decay early to stop the progression and treat them early.

For more information of if you feel like you have a problem contact Eccleshill Dental on 01274 633 406.

How To Combat Staining!

Are you concerned about the staining on or inbetween your teeth? Then this post is perfect for you. Tooth staining can cause people to be conscious about their smile. Firstly, it is important to understand why staining occurs!

Staining appears on the teeth from;

  • Smoking.
  • Eating heavily coloured foods.
  • Excessivly drinking red wine, tea or coffee.
  • Certain mouthwashes.

Well, how can I remove staining?

Step 1.

Start by using a slightly abrasive toothpaste, this will remove extrinsic staining. A whitening toothpaste will usually do the trick for minimal amounts of staining.

Step 2.

Flossing or using interdental brushes. This will help keep staining down by removing plaque and debris from areas the toothbrush cant reach!

Step 3.

Book in with Eccleshill Dental Practice. Our Specialist hygiene therapist will assess whether those difficult stains require a hygiene scale and polish r an airpolish. If the staining is heavy and has been there for a while then you would require an air polishing appointment. The pressurised sand removes extrinsic staining without damaging the tooth surface.

What is Air Polising?

Air polishing is a a high pressurised sand which is blasted at the teeth to remove staining from the areas of the teeth a toothbrush cannot reach. This is pain free and works wonders for for stain removal!

How Air polishing is beneficial.

  • Creates a brighter and cleaner smile.
  • Removes years of stain build up.
  • Perfectly safe towards tooth surface.
  • Quick and easy.
  • Pain-free.

To book an appointment today, contact Eccleshill Dental on 01274 633 406.

Alternatively email our treatment coordinator for more advise.

Email – Info@eccleshilldental.com

Tel – 01274 633406

5 Ways That Quitting The Cigarettes Will Benefit Your Health!

Smoking is a very debatable topic as people are either for or against it. Over the years smoking has always been a popular activity but in recent years cigarettes have become harder to get hold of and have increased in cost massively. However, I’m not here to talk about the costs or availability. I am here to focus on the health benefits of quitting those cigarettes.

There are many different to aids to assist quitting smoking. For example; E-Cigarettes, patches, Nicotine chewing gum, hypnotising and the list goes on! Quitting smoking is easier said than done as I’m sure many will know…but its worth a shot! Here’s how your health will benefit from quitting.

Continue reading “5 Ways That Quitting The Cigarettes Will Benefit Your Health!”

Interdental Brushes Or Floss. Which Works Best For Me?

A diligent tooth brushing regime is important to ensure we have healthy teeth and gums throughout our lives. However, brushing twice a day for two minutes is just the bare minimum we can do to ensure we are looking after our mouths correctly, as dentistry has progressed over the years we are now aware that most leading problems in tooth loss comes from unhealthy gums causing recession and wobbly teeth. It is now proven that cleaning in between the teeth is how we can ensure we are looking after them properly! Daily flossing allows the removal of plaque and bacteria every 24 hours and because bacteria becomes toxic after 24 hours, it ensures you are on the right tack to keeping the mouth at its healthiest state.

There are many benefits which are associated with inter-dental cleaning (cleaning in between the teeth) including the lowered risk of gum disease which is the leading cause of tooth loss. As well as fighting any bad smelling breath as it helps to remove the plaque and debris which could not be removed with an ordinary toothbrush. It is also known that people have improved self confidence when they have got flossing in their daily lifestyle as they are no longer conscious of smells and food getting trapped in their teeth throughout the day.

Interdental Brushs Vs Floss. Which will win?

Tepes are inter-dental brushes which come in all sizes and some are softer than others. If you can fit an interdental brush through the gaps between your teeth I would highly suggest doing this once a day than using dental string floss. This is because it pushing out more plaque and debris than dental floss would. As dental floss can be tricky to establish the correct technique, some people prefer using Tepes as they are easier to manage as all you need to do is push the brush through each gap once per day. At Eccleshill Dental our dental hygienist deep cleans the gums and will demonstrate which type of product to use for inter-dental cleaning during the appointment. As shes the expert she will assess whether floss or interdental brushes will work for you specifically, as well as explaining which size or type will work best. For example, someone with larger gaps may benefit from a interdental brushes but someone with smaller gaps and overlapped teeth, may find it easier to use string floss.

Floss is great if you can use the right technique and is also a well known product. Over the years floss was not deemed essential as part of the oral hygiene regime but in most recent years studies have been put together show that flossing is key and dentists are now focusing on making sure everyone’s regime is changing for the better. Here at Eccleshill Dental we are now demonstrating and educating the younger generation to introduce floss into their daily routine so that they have grown up knowing the importance of floss, as well as persuading the older generation that their routine has to change.

What If My Gums Bleed?

Keep flossing! Bleeding is encouraged when there is active disease present, but do not worry this may only be mild. The body’s immune system attempts to fight off the bacteria and this is why it bleeds. I’m in no way suggesting that bleeding is a good sign or that this is the aim, but when there is a significant change in the brushing regime the bleeding should reduce in approximately 10 days and even further as flossing continues. My advice would be, do not be put off by bleeding. Be encouraged to tackle the problem at its earlier state and watch the obvious signs of progression!

Interdental brushes are the gold standard option but if you find floss works better for yourself, then use floss. Cleaning is personal preference and can be adapted to anyone! Your dentist will be pleased that you’re spending more time on cleaning!

Tooth Whitening – What Works and What Doesn’t?

Tooth whitening is a cosmetic treatment which is used to improve the smile aesthetically. A brighter and whiter smile is appealing to the public as it is known that the eyes and the smile are the first thing a person looks at. There are many different types of methods for tooth whitening, some better than others, some even illegal. <>

Whats the deal about whitening toothpaste?

Whitening tooth paste for big named brands is used to promote business and selling, as no toothpaste will whiten your teeth like in house dental tooth whitening or laser whitening. So you could say it’s a slight gimmick to boost sales. Whitening tooth paste is known to brighten teeth by removing stains, but not actually improving the colour of the teeth. Their abrasive texture dislodges some stains making them appear cleaner and brighter.

The new craze – charcoal toothpaste.  

Charcoal toothpaste has been floating around social media quite a lot recently and is now sold across many supermarkets and high street stores. I can assure you that charcoal toothpaste will only give similar affects as whitening toothpaste, stain removal and brightening the smile. Except that they have a very low concentration of fluoride, if any. This can actually be more clinically harmful as fluoride strengthens the teeth which is why it is included in toothpastes and mouthwashes, I’m sure you can imagine why a toothpaste without it would not be beneficial. 

Home Remedies.

Home remedies like bicarbonate soda and banana peels won’t make a massive difference in terms of wanting to gain that Hollywood smile.  These are made up methods of whitening teeth which not only can be harmful but essentially are a waste of time. Some stain removal can be seen by using bicarbonate soda but using imagine using an abrasive powder against you teeth 2-3 times a day, this can create notches, recession and even tooth surface loss exposing the dentine from underneath the enamel, which is actually more yellow in colour so it defeats the point of using a tooth whitener.

What about / UV whitening and ordering from online. 

Please BE CAREFUL when ordering whitening gels and systems from online as it is not legal to prescribe gels at a high percentage online, the only people who are legally allowed to sell higher percentages is dental practitioners with a GDC registration number. The risks of UV whitening and online whitening gels are very high which can lead to severe sensitivity, soft tissue burns or even nerve damage to the tooth. I would recommend seeing a specialist for tooth whitening to be on the safe side and please please do your research.

The big debate. Beautician and in-salon whitening.  

Lots of beauticians offer tooth whitening. However, this in some cases is illegal as they have not had the official training like a dental professional has had and they are not registered under the GDC to be  legally allowed to prescribe dental tooth whitening. In some circumstances beauticians may feel like that have had in depth training through courses they have been on but they have not had 5 years studying the mouth like a dental professional. Also, if a something happens during the treatment the insurance will not cover for any damage done during the whitening procedure, which is not ideal as you or the beautician are not covered for any problems which may occur. In some cases beauticians do provide tooth whitening but this is a weaker solution and therefore you wouldn’t get the results that you aspire for.

Dental Whitening and why we advise it.  

Dental professionals have had the correct training to know the mouth inside and out, which is why they are the best people to approach regarding whitening. At Eccleshill dental we offer two different systems, Enlighten and Boutique. Enlighten is actually the Gold standard system and it is promised that you will see a great improving across the shade guide. 

With dental whitening it is the most effective way to improve your smile without causing any tooth damage. In most cases tooth whitening actually masks initial problems that patients present with. So in this way it is the most  cost effective as you only have to ever buy it once and only need to top it up every couple of years and this is if you feel they have slightly faded but will never return to original shade.

So why not come and try out our Whitening Wednesdays for 20% off when two or more people book in!

4 Ways Your Dental Care is More Affordable Than You Think

When was the last time you visited the dentist for a regular dental health check and hygiene appointment? You’re probably busy worrying about your family, work, finances, and array of other concerns and stresses. You might consider a trip to the dentist as more of a luxury, or something you’ll get to when your life (and your finances) settle down a bit. Does this sound familiar?

Unfortunately, good dental health isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. A recent UK survey found that 54% of adults over the age of 16 had moderate signs of periodontal (gum) disease, the leading cause of tooth loss. The only available treatment (which believe it or not, reduces the need for more costly procedures later down the line) is regular trips to your dentist/hygienist. Like most people, you may know these things, but you still hesitate to pick up the phone to book an appointment. Why? You expect those dental visits to be costlier than you can afford.

At Eccleshill Dental, your dental health could be more affordable than you think. We’ve compiled a list of important things to consider:

How much do you value your smile?

When it comes to your health and appearance, the value you place upon them is a very personal decision. Most of us take these things for granted, and what we don’t stop to consider is how we will feel in the longer-term, when our health and appearance start to deteriorate. It is quite often at this late stage (where procedures are much more expensive), that people choose to take action.

What is the cost?

Consider that the average British household spends 6.5% of their annual income on coffee, 3.7% on clothes, and 1.4% on alcohol. The cost of your routine dental care (based on two dental health checks and two hygiene appointments per year) is only 0.6% of an average household budget. That’s less than 1%!

Find out if you have insurance

Surprising as it might seem, there are many of us that don’t realise we have access to dental insurance, perhaps through an employer or through a policy we have taken out in the past. If you have dental insurance that is not being used, then you will be missing out on an array of benefits. Many insurance companies allow you to claim back 50-100% of the cost of your dental bill (dependent on the treatment type). Many insurance policies cover routine dental care and treatment, which allow you to plan for your future dental needs. Policies which offer emergency and worldwide cover allow you to plan for any unexpected dental accidents at home or abroad. If you don’t yet have dental insurance, take some time to shop around online. There are many different insurance schemes available, each with different benefits.

No insurance? We’ve got you covered!

At Eccleshill Dental, we offer a variety of different payment methods to suit your needs, from 0% finance, to tailored payment plans. Many of our patients opt to join one of our affordable membership plans, which for a small monthly fee, offer a range of fantastic benefits.

We believe that everyone should be able to afford excellent dental care, which is why we pride ourselves on delivering fantastic services at affordable prices. If you would like any further information on our practice, services, fees, or payment methods, why not give us a call on 01274 633406.


The Real Cost of NOT Replacing a Missing Tooth

Most people are aware that missing teeth make us appear older, but have you ever wondered about the health implications of not replacing a missing tooth? According to a study conducted by the University College London and Harvard University, the average Briton is missing 6.97 teeth, and an enormous 74% of adults in the UK have had a dental extraction. Tooth loss occurs for a variety of different reasons, including decay, infection, wear, trauma, and gum disease. Whatever the reason for tooth loss, the impact on your life is often significant.

In addition to the common concerns about appearance, there are other real issues and dangers present if you decide not to replace a missing tooth. We’ve compiled a list of potential risks to help you better understand the importance of replacing your missing tooth:

  1. Bone Loss

One of the most significant risks related to not replacing a missing tooth is bone loss (bone resorption). Bone loss occurs after a tooth is lost or removed because the roots of the tooth are no longer embedded into the jawbone, leaving a void. Over time, resorption will occur and the jawbone will begin to deteriorate. If the missing tooth is not replaced, as your jawbone begins to be affected, you will notice that your face shape will gradually change, and your lips may appear asymmetrical and sunken. Unfortunately, bone resorption doesn’t only impact the tooth that’s missing, but puts you at risk of losing neighboring teeth as well. By not immediately replacing a missing tooth, the ability to provide a successful denture, bridge, or implant is often compromised due to the loss of bone.

  1. Drifting Teeth

If lost teeth are not immediately replaced, this can have a detrimental effect on surrounding teeth.  The opposing teeth are most likely to be affected, and will continue to drift or move until there is an equal and opposing force.  They might even drift and touch the opposing gums where the extracted teeth once were. Drifting teeth may cause your bite to change, leading to muscle soreness and Temporo-Mandibular Joint Dysfunction (issues with your jaw joint).

  1. Tooth Wear

In an attempt to avoid biting and chewing in the area where a tooth or teeth are missing, you will most likely begin overusing other teeth when eating. For example, if a tooth or teeth were extracted on the right side of your mouth, you would begin eating on the left side of your mouth. Uneven chewing forces cause excessive wear, and can lead to further tooth loss.

  1. Reduced Ability to Speak Clearly and Eat Certain Foods

A serious risk of not replacing a missing tooth, is a reduced ability to speak clearly and eat certain food types. Depending on which tooth or teeth are missing, it may become difficult to bite and chew certain foods. Eventually, this can lead to diminished health and poor nutrition. If certain teeth are missing (such as the ones at the front) it can also impact your ability to speak properly. Pronouncing certain words can be difficult, and you may develop a lisp.

  1. Reduced Self-Esteem

Whilst the examples above are all tangible effects of a missing tooth, there are intangible effects of a missing tooth which are present, and can impact your life in severe ways. If a missing tooth can be seen when you smile, speak, or eat, you may start to avoid doing any of these activities in public. This can have a detrimental effect on your social life, your job, and relationships. Depending on your age, career path, and relationship status, the cost of a missing tooth throughout your lifetime can really add up if you’re not confident to smile, speak, or eat in front of other people.

Options and Solutions

Whilst the potential risks of not replacing a missing tooth or teeth are great, we are fortunate enough to live in a society where options for replacements are readily available. There are several options to consider, including dentures, dental bridges, and the most popular and durable option – dental implants.

At Eccleshill Dental, we are proud to have helped many patients replace missing teeth, and regain their confidence. If you would like some friendly, confidential advice on the options and costs involved, telephone the practice on 01274 633406 to book a complimentary consultation with our patient care coordinator.

Together, let’s find your smile.

NHS Vs. Private Dentistry: Which One Is Right For Me?

Most patients looking to find a new dental practice are searching for NHS dental services. Inevitably, people have reservations about paying for a private dentist when the NHS offers dental care, usually at a lower cost.

Certainly, there are some excellent NHS dentists in the UK, many of whom now offer a mix of NHS and private dental services. However, the demand for private dental care continues to rise. We have looked at some of the many reasons why people are turning to private dental care:

  1. ‘No Room at The Inn’

Prior to joining a private dental practice, the chances are that many patients have spent a great deal of time ringing around NHS practices in the area to see if they are accepting new patients. With such a reduction in the availability of NHS places, the majority of practices in the West Yorkshire area are at full capacity. Patients lucky enough to be accepted on to a waiting list could still face lengthy delays before they are offered an appointment. Private practices operate very differently, and you are likely to be offered an appointment within the coming days, and at a convenient time for you.

  1. Better Treatment Options

The NHS offer a range of core treatment options, from fillings and dentures, to crowns and bridges. All treatments are offered within three fixed price brackets. However, there are limitations to the types of treatments that are offered. Fillings and crowns are often available in a silver material only (unless they are being placed on a front tooth). Cosmetic treatment options such as short-term orthodontics, veneers, whitening, and implants are often unavailable on the NHS. Attending a private practice ensures that you are offered all treatment options, and you are delivered a treatment plan which is better tailored to your individual needs.

  1. A Relaxed Patient Journey

With such a high volume of patients, many NHS dental practices do not have long periods of time to spend with their patients. For anxious patients, time can be invaluable. Feeling rushed or having inadequate time to discuss your treatment plan and prepare, can be extremely off-putting for anyone phobic of visiting the dentist.

At Eccleshill Dental, we are able to offer you the gift of time. Taking time with our patients allows us to get to know you, and better understand your treatment needs. We believe in bringing kindness and dentistry together, and we place great importance on making our patients as comfortable and relaxed as possible. We believe your patient journey should be an enjoyable one. Longer and less rushed appointments allow us to take our time, and ensure you are at ease and happy at your dental visits.

  1. Priority Appointments

In an NHS dental practice, access to appointments can be restrictive. Appointments are often available through working hours only, and treatment may be spaced out over longer time periods because appointments are simply unavailable.

At Eccleshill Dental, our private patients receive priority appointments. We are open 8.00-18.00 Monday to Friday, giving you easy access to appointment times outside of working hours.

  1. Additional Support

We like to provide support at each stage of your patient journey. For our private patients, our patient care coordinator is available throughout your treatment to provide support and guidance, and ensure you are comfortable. Our care coordinator will discuss your treatment plan with you in detail, so you can understand your treatment options, what to expect from your appointments, and your different payment options.

  1. Affordable Options

Many patients that join us privately are surprised at the range of affordable payment options. At Eccleshill Dental, we offer membership plans for as little as £12.99 a month, which allow you to plan for your future dental needs. For larger treatment plans, we offer tailored plan agreements and 0% finance options, which allow you to spread the cost of treatment for up to 60 months. With so many affordable payment options, your finances need not be a barrier to receiving the dental care you desire.

  1. Do Your Research

When selecting your private dental practice, it is important that you do your research, and find the right practice for you. Take the time to look at the practice Google reviews, and ask members of the community about their experiences. At Eccleshill Dental, we offer complimentary consultations with our patient care coordinator. This is a very relaxed appointment where we get to know you over a cup of tea. It is an excellent opportunity to look around the practice, meet the team, and see if we are a fit for you. This appointment is completely free, and there is no obligation to book in again.

Key questions to ask a dental practice you are thinking of joining:

  • Do you offer weekend or evening appointments?
  • What can you do to help nervous patients?
  • Do you treat children?
  • What additional services do you offer?
  • Do you offer any dental payment plans?
  • Do you have a dental membership scheme?
  • Can you send me a welcome pack with a price list?
  • Do you offer complimentary consultations?
  • Do you provide a printed copy of my proposed treatment plan?

People have different approaches to their dental care, and what is right for one patient may not be for the next. It is important to remember that you have a choice. Many patients are perfectly satisfied with their NHS dental care. For other patients, the benefits of private dentistry vastly outweigh the services available on the NHS.

If you would like any further information on joining our practice, or you would like to book your complimentary consultation with our patient care coordinator, telephone Eccleshill Dental on 01274 633406.

A Practical Guide To Overcoming Dental Anxiety

‘Dentophobia’, or a fear of the dentist, is extremely common. Statistics suggest that around 12% of us suffer from extreme dental anxiety. The British Dental Association says that 25% of the UK population suffer from some sort of anxiety before visiting the dentist. We suspect that number is a lot higher.

The most common thing we encounter in our nervous patients is shame and embarrassment. Your phobia is nothing to feel ashamed and embarrassed about. It is a very rational reaction to fear, pain, or a previous bad experience, and it much more common than you think.

Nonetheless, this can have a very damaging effect on your long-term health. Dental phobics tend to live with toothache, infections, bleeding gums, and bad breath. Many people are so embarrassed about the appearance of their teeth, that they go several years without smiling. Only when the pain/appearance of the teeth becomes unbearable, do they realise that a trip to the dentist is unavoidable.

Across dentistry as a whole, phobias are now being treated as a manageable condition. There are structured methods in place to help you get through your dental appointment with minimal discomfort, both physically and emotionally. At Eccleshill Dental, we take this very seriously. Here are the practical steps we encourage you to take, to make your visits more manageable:

  1. Talk to us

As with any phobia, the most important step to overcoming your fear is to identify the source of the problem. It may have been a bad experience at the school dentist, an uncomfortable injection, or even a horror story that you heard elsewhere. Whatever the reason, the most important step is to identify this. At Eccleshill Dental, we encourage you to talk to us about your fears and feelings. All new patients are invited to meet with our patient care coordinator, who will have a relaxed discussion with you in a comfortable setting. We take the time to get to know you and understand your fears. We will take whatever steps we need to help you overcome your anxieties, and our patient coordinator is available to support you through each of your appointments.

  1. Headphones

Plenty of patients report that their biggest fear is the sound of the dental drill. Many people choose to bring in some music and their headphones, which they listen to throughout their treatment. This is a simple and easy method to reduce your anxiety, and get you through your dental appointment.

  1. Topical anaesthetic gel

For those of you who are scared of the dental needle, did you know we offer topical anaesthetic gel? Topical gel is applied to the gum before your injection is administered, making it much more comfortable.

  1. Stagger your treatment

We understand for many phobic patients, a bigger treatment plan can be quite overwhelming (if not downright off-putting). We encourage patients to stage their treatment in a way that best suits their needs. Starting out with easier, simpler treatments and working your way up to more comprehensive treatment can be a great way to ease yourself into your dental care.

  1. Sedation

Sedation treatment is an option for patients who are simply unable to cope with treatment, or may be struggling with the idea of something such as an extraction. Speak to your dentist about your sedation options. This may be available at your practice, or your dentist may be able to facilitate your referral to a sedation dentist for treatment.

  1. Trust us

We will do the hard work. All you need to focus on is getting yourself through the door. This is the hardest step. Once you have done that, we will take care of the rest.  We pride ourselves on taking every step we can to ensure your visit is as comfortable as possible.

At Eccleshill Dental, patients are encouraged to relax and feel a part of the family from the moment they step through the door. We are proud to have helped many of our patients overcome a life-long dental phobia, and we hope to help many more people on that journey. Don’t let your anxiety be a barrier to a happier, healthier smile – let us help you today.

To book your complimentary consultation with our patient care coordinator (or for some free, friendly advice) email rachel@eccleshilldental.com.